The dust hasn’t even settled… and already another fuse is lit…
Reeling from a bloody clash with the Japanese, the Marines on Guadalcanal must lick their wounds and push ahead. Imperial Japan wants the island back, and thousands of soldiers are pouring onto Guadalcanal’s shores. With new leaders ravenous for blood, another massive battle looms close over the horizon.
Al Decker and his Raiders have returned from their arduous but successful mission to destroy a Japanese airfield. Upon their return, however, they step into the middle of a tense and even more dangerous conflict… and to no one’s surprise, must ready themselves for a new and deadly mission.
HQ and General Vandegrift know that unless the Matanikau River valley can be secured, tens of thousands of enraged Japanese could overrun the Marine perimeter at any time. Reeling from their recent clash, Colonels Edson and Puller must assemble a larger and better-supported strike force. The goal: push across the Matanikau and bloody Tojo’s nose and make it impossible for the Imperial Japanese Army to pass.
Meanwhile, Decker and his Raiders must penetrate deep into Japanese territory. Their goal: gather vital intelligence and establish a forward observation post. Yet like the battalions along the Matanikau, Decker and his men are marching straight into a deadly battle… because an old enemy is out for blood.
Can the Marines hold the line and cork Hirohito’s bottle? Can Decker and his team beat back an enemy they don’t even know is stalking them? Rifles crack and artillery thunders in this gripping WWII combat thriller!
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